Dijkstra's Algorithm Implementation in Java
This post is about Dijkstra’s algorithm. I was working on Dijkstra: Shortest Reach 2 on hackerrank and have to learn Dijkstra’s algorithm to pass their time limit. Floyd-Warshall was my first approach, but it couldn’t solve some test data under their time.
So this is how I implemented.
public static void dijkstra(int start, int end) {
ArrayList<Integer> queue = new ArrayList<Integer>();
dist[start] = 0;
while(queue.size() != 0) {
int curr = queue.remove(0);
for (int i = 0; i < map.length; i++) {
if (map[curr][i] != 0 && visited[i] == 0 && dist[curr] + map[curr][i] < dist[i]) {
dist[i] = dist[curr] + map[curr][i];
int nextNode = nextNode();
if (nextNode == -1 || nextNode == end) {
visited[curr] = 1;
The run time analysis of this function is O(n^2). The worst case is to put all nodes into queue, and n times to get the minimum value. The Wikipedia page about Dijkstra’s algorithm says the algorithm runs in O(E + V * logV). E is the number of edges, and V is the number of nodes. This is done by using min-priority queue implemented by Fibonacci heap.
Since I was not familiar with Fibonacci heap, I implemented by myself. But will update the function once figure out how to implement fibonacci heap later on. This video helped me to learn how things work. My entire test cases and input/output codes are found on Github gist.