Knapsack Problem
Knapsack algorithm can be used to maximize combination of objects under restriction. The sample knapsack problem looks like this.
You have a knapsack and 4 objects. The knapsack can carry 20kg, and each object's weight is 3kg, 8kg, 9kg, and 8kg. Each object is worth $10, $4, $9, and $11 respectively. Which objects should you put into your knapsack to make the most valuable out of 4 objects?
The explanation about how to approach this problem is found here. Scroll down to page 6 starting with heading Example #3: 0-1 Knapsack Problem My code for this problem is this. I basically copied and pasted from the link. I renamed variables and put comments for myself.
public static void runKnapsach() {
// The number of total objects we are using.
int numObjects = 4;
// Variables for storing weights and values
int[] weights = new int[]{3, 8, 9, 8};
int[] values = new int[]{10, 4, 9, 11};
// Maximum weights that the knapsack can carry
int maxWeights = 20;
// Store the maximum value that the knapsack can carry if knapsack can carry index-kg at maximum
int[] answers = new int[maxWeights + 1];
// Set initial value 0, meaning its value is 0 for index-kg
for (int i = 0; i <= maxWeights; i++) {
answers[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) {
for (int j = maxWeights; j >= weights[i]; j--) {
if (answers[j - weights[i]] + values[i] > answers[j]) {
answers[j] = answers[j - weights[i]] + values[i];
Runtime Analysis
The code I presented above takes numObjects × maxWeights
, because it is two nested loop. However, this problem can be solved by bruteforce. Altough bruteforce takes 2^n, the problem can be solved. Depending on the value of numObjects and maxWeights, bruteforce somestimes solve more efficient than knapsack algorithm.
For example, if numObjects = 5, maxWeights = 100000, bruteforce is better. If numObjects = 30, maxWeights = 1000, knapsack algorithm is better.
Bruteforce code:
static int maxValue = 0;
public static void runBruteForce() {
int numObjects = 4;
int maxWeights = 20;
int[] weights = new int[]{3, 8, 9, 8};
int[] values = new int[]{10, 4, 9, 11};
bruteForce(0, weights, values, 0, 0, numObjects, maxWeights);
public static void bruteForce(int index, int[] weights, int[] values, int weight, int value, int numObjects, int maxWeights) {
if (index == numObjects) {
if (weight <= maxWeights && value > maxValue) {
maxValue = value;
// To make it efficient a little bit
// if (weight + weights[index] <= maxWeights) {
// bruteForce(index + 1, weights, values, weight + weights[index], value + values[index], numObjects, maxWeights);
// }
bruteForce(index + 1, weights, values, weight + weights[index], value + values[index], numObjects, maxWeights);
bruteForce(index + 1, weights, values, weight, value, numObjects, maxWeights);